Custom-Coded Website vs. WordPress: Which One is Right for You?

by | Aug 3, 2023 | Comparison | 0 comments

Navigating the landscape of website creation often leaves individuals at a crossroads: should they choose WordPress or embark on creating a custom-coded website? The question is not uncommon, and like most technology-related choices, there’s no definitive one-size-fits-all answer.

Both WordPress and custom-built sites come with their unique set of advantages and challenges. WordPress, renowned for its user-friendliness and versatility, offers an easier entry point for those less tech-savvy or those who need a reliable website quickly. On the other hand, custom-coded websites provide unmatched flexibility, making them an appealing choice for those with coding knowledge or specific, complex requirements that cookie-cutter solutions might not adequately address.

wordpress versus coding website
Wordrpess Dashboard next to a Coding Editor

The ideal choice hinges on several factors: your particular use case, the level of customization required, the resources at your disposal, and your technical prowess, to name a few. So let’s delve into more details about these two options in this blog post. Our aim is to help you understand the key differences, pros, and cons, so you can make the best choice for your specific needs.

What is WordPress?

At its heart, WordPress is a platform designed with simplicity and accessibility in mind. It was created to give non-tech-savvy users the tools to design and manage their own websites, without needing to delve into the complexities of programming languages or web development principles.

Wordpress dashboard
showing WordPress Dashboard

WordPress belongs to a category of software known as Content Management Systems (CMS). The CMS landscape, with WordPress as one of its leading entities, thrives on the principle of user-friendly design and operations. It functions much like a drag-and-drop puzzle or a Lego set, providing users with an array of pieces (or elements) that they can use to construct their webpages. The task requires creativity and an understanding of your site’s purpose, but not necessarily any coding knowledge.

But don’t be fooled by the simplicity. While the entry point is made easy, mastering WordPress to create advanced, feature-rich, and stable websites does require some level of training and knowledge. It’s an accessible starting point that still offers room for growth and learning, catering to everyone from beginners to experienced web designers.

What is a Custom-Coded Website?

Unlike WordPress and other CMS platforms, a custom-coded website is built from the ground up using various coding languages like Python, PHP, SQL, JavaScript, and more. In essence, it is like constructing a building from scratch; you have to lay down the foundation (back-end), create the building structure (front-end), and establish systems for utilities and maintenance (database).

Listing Programming Languages
A list of Programming Languages

When you choose to create a website this way, you’re entering a realm of virtually limitless possibilities. Every aspect of your site can be tailored to your precise needs and preferences. From the design of the user interface to the functionality of individual elements, everything can be custom-coded to create a truly unique online presence.

However, this degree of customization and control comes with a significant time investment. Coding a website from scratch requires a deeper understanding of multiple programming languages and web development principles. Additionally, it typically takes much longer to build a custom-coded website compared to using a CMS like WordPress. It’s a more complex and time-consuming approach, but one that could be worth it for those who desire complete control and uniqueness in their website design and functionality.

Comparing WordPress and Custom-Coded Websites

When deciding between WordPress and a custom-coded website, various factors should be taken into consideration. These include ease of use, cost, customization possibilities, maintenance and updates, SEO considerations, and scalability. Let’s delve deeper into each factor:

Ease of Use: WordPress comes out ahead when it comes to ease of use. With its user-friendly platform and functionality designed for non-coders, WordPress allows you to build a website with little to no coding skills. The intuitive interface of WordPress makes it a cinch to add new pages, posts, and elements to your website.

Cost: When you take into account the cost of development, WordPress also comes out on top. While the costs for hosting and domain registration remain the same for both WordPress and custom-coded websites, the cost of building the site itself differs significantly. WordPress’ extensive library of pre-built themes and plugins reduces the need for a developer’s input. On the other hand, custom-coded websites often require the expertise of full-stack developers, which can quickly add up.

Customization: If you’re looking for a higher degree of customization and flexibility, a custom-coded website may be your best bet. You have complete control over every element of the website, and can create functionalities unique to your business. However, WordPress has been consistently improving its customization capabilities with the introduction of various plugins and themes. While WordPress can handle most web design needs, for complex or highly specialized functionalities, custom coding may still be necessary.

Maintenance and Updates: WordPress excels in the areas of maintenance and updates. It regularly releases updates to improve security and functionality, and its large user community often contributes fixes and enhancements. For custom-coded websites, updates and maintenance will depend on the developer or team, which could mean more work and potential additional costs.

SEO Considerations: Both WordPress and custom-coded websites can be optimized for SEO. WordPress has several SEO plugins like Yoast SEO that can simplify the process. A custom-coded website, if built with SEO in mind, can also achieve excellent search engine rankings, but it may require more SEO knowledge to implement.

Scalability: Both WordPress and custom-coded websites can be scaled to accommodate business growth. However, for extremely large websites or those with highly complex functionalities, a custom-coded website might be more suitable as it can be precisely tailored to handle specific needs. but still wordpress is proven to be scalabe even for large websites , check this blog to see the top niches websites that drives a huge amount of traffic .

In summary, the choice between WordPress and a custom-coded website depends on your specific needs, technical expertise, budget, and time constraints. While WordPress offers a more user-friendly and cost-effective solution, a custom-coded website provides higher customization and can handle more complex functionalities.

How to Choose the Right Option for You

  1. Evaluate your needs: The complexity of your project can help determine the best route. If you need a simple blog or a small to medium-sized business site, WordPress is likely your best bet. On the other hand, if you’re looking to create a complex web application or a site with unique, specific functionalities, you might lean more towards a custom-coded website.
  2. Consider your budget: As discussed earlier, WordPress typically offers a more cost-effective solution. Custom coding a website usually involves higher upfront costs, mainly if you need to hire professional developers.
  3. Time is of the essence: If you need your website up and running quickly, WordPress is the faster solution. Building a website from scratch can take significantly longer.
  4. Think about the future: Maintenance and updates are a reality of owning a website. With WordPress, you can manage updates yourself, and there’s a vast community and numerous resources to help solve any problems that may arise. For custom-coded websites, you might need ongoing developer support, which can add to your costs.
  5. SEO considerations: Both WordPress and custom-coded websites can be optimized for SEO. However, WordPress comes with many plugins that can simplify the process of optimizing your website for search engines. If SEO is a critical part of your strategy, WordPress might be the more accessible option.

Remember, there is no definitive right or wrong choice—it all comes down to what works best for you. Each project is unique and requires careful consideration of the factors mentioned above. If you’re still unsure, consulting with web development professionals can provide clarity and direction.


In conclusion, the choice between WordPress and a custom-coded website often comes down to a mix of your specific needs, budget, time constraints, and long-term plans. WordPress offers a user-friendly, cost-effective, and time-saving solution with plenty of resources for support and growth. It’s perfect for small to medium-sized businesses, blogs, and anyone new to the world of website building.

If you still feel overwhelmed by the choices, don’t hesitate to reach out to professionals, like us at WPSiteMakers, for guidance. We specialize in WordPress website development, but we’re also equipped to provide advice on the best route for you to take, tailored to your specific needs.

We’re here to share everything we know about WordPress and more, making it easier for you to master the platform. Our mission is to help you go from zero to hero in WordPress. Explore our in-depth guides, expert tips, plugin recommendations, and insights on page builders and themes—especially Divi!