Why WordPress is the Best Choice for Blogging?

by | Aug 3, 2023 | Why WordPress | 0 comments

From entrepreneurs sharing their business insights, to travelers documenting their journeys, to food enthusiasts showcasing their culinary skills – blogs have become a platform for individuals and businesses to express, inform, and influence. One of the significant decisions in starting a blog is choosing the right platform to host your content.

Among the myriad of platforms available, WordPress has consistently emerged as a favorite choice. It powers an impressive 40% of the internet – a testament to its versatility and popularity. But why is WordPress so favored by bloggers?

Person Writing Blog Post

In this blog post, we explore why WordPress could be the ideal fit for your blogging aspirations. Whether you’re looking to start your first blog or considering a platform switch, this article will help demystify the advantages of WordPress for blogging.

Why Choose WordPress for Blogging?

User-Friendly Interface

For newcomers stepping into the realm of blogging, WordPress offers a clean, intuitive, and easy-to-navigate interface. Even without any prior technical knowledge, one can start crafting blog posts thanks to the straightforward dashboard and easy-to-understand settings. This means you can focus on the content and let WordPress handle the complexities.

adding new post on wordpress
Adding new posts in WordPress

Rich Text Editor

WordPress’s built-in rich text editor, also known as Gutenberg, is a powerful tool that allows you to create and format your content with ease. It supports various media types and has several formatting options, enabling you to tailor your blog posts to your precise specifications and style.

writing a new blog post
Writing a new blog post

Inbuilt and External SEO Tools

WordPress is designed with SEO in mind. It comes with several inbuilt SEO features and supports a variety of SEO plugins like Yoast SEO and All in One SEO. These tools help optimize your content for search engines, improving your blog’s visibility and organic traffic.

Wide Variety of Themes and Plugins

With thousands of free and premium themes available, WordPress allows you to create a blog that reflects your personality or brand identity. Additionally, its extensive plugin library means you can add virtually any functionality to your blog, from social media sharing buttons to e-commerce capabilities.

High Level of Customization

WordPress allows you total control over your blog’s appearance and functionality. You can tweak and customize to your heart’s content, ensuring that your blog stands out from the crowd and meets your specific needs.

Strong Community Support

One of the major advantages of using WordPress is its robust community. Countless forums, guides, tutorials, and online courses are available to help you at every step of your WordPress journey. Whether you’re stuck with a technical issue or looking for tips to enhance your blog, the WordPress community is always ready to assist.

How to Set Up a WordPress Blog

1. Get a Domain and Hosting:

The first step in setting up your WordPress blog is to get a domain name (your blog’s address on the internet) and web hosting (where your blog’s files will be stored). Several providers offer these services, with many also providing one-click WordPress installations. ( Here is the difference between domain and hosting ).

Hosting and domain name
Hosting and domain name of the website

2. Install WordPress:

After acquiring your domain and hosting, the next step is to install WordPress. Many hosting providers offer a one-click WordPress install feature in their dashboard. If your host doesn’t provide this, WordPress offers a famous “5-minute install” guide.

3. Choose a WordPress Theme:

Once WordPress is installed, log into your dashboard, and choose a theme that suits your blog’s topic or niche. WordPress has a large library of free and premium themes available. You can preview and customize the themes before activating them.

4. Install Plugins:

WordPress plugins add extra functionality to your blog. There are plugins for nearly everything, from SEO optimization and contact forms to social media sharing and spam protection. However, remember to only install the plugins you need, as having too many can slow down your site.

5. Create Your First Post:

Now, you’re ready to create your first blog post. Go to the dashboard, find “Posts”, click on “Add New”, and start writing. Make sure to use the various options in the post editor to format your text, add images, and set categories and tags.

6. Optimize for SEO:

To help your blog get found in search engines, make sure to optimize your blog posts for SEO. This can involve using relevant keywords, adding meta descriptions, using SEO-friendly URLs, and ensuring your site is fast and mobile-friendly.

pc has on screen SEO title in big
SEO for your website

7. Publish and Promote Your Blog:

After you’ve written your post, click “Publish” to make it live. Then, start promoting your blog through your social media channels, email marketing, and any other methods you prefer to draw readers in.

Remember, creating a successful blog doesn’t happen overnight. It takes consistent effort, quality content, and a focus on building relationships with your readers. Keep experimenting, learning, and adjusting your strategy as you go.


In conclusion, WordPress stands out as a prime choice for blogging due to its user-friendly interface, powerful features, and robust community. It allows anyone, regardless of their technical expertise, to start a blog and make their voice heard online. It offers an almost endless number of themes and plugins, making it highly customizable to suit your specific needs.

Moreover, it has strong SEO tools, both in-built and external, which can help boost your blog’s visibility in search engine rankings. With a rich text editor, it ensures that you can format your content exactly how you want it, creating engaging and visually appealing blog posts.

Setting up a WordPress blog is a relatively straightforward process, and with countless resources available online, any issues or questions you have can be easily resolved. Whether you’re looking to share your personal thoughts, create a professional portfolio, or start a business blog, WordPress provides all the tools and functionalities you might need.

Remember, the success of your blog doesn’t solely depend on the platform you choose, but also on the quality and consistency of the content you produce, your engagement with readers, and your SEO practices. Here at WPSiteMakers, we can help you leverage all the incredible features of WordPress to ensure your blog stands out from the crowd. Happy blogging!

We’re here to share everything we know about WordPress and more, making it easier for you to master the platform. Our mission is to help you go from zero to hero in WordPress. Explore our in-depth guides, expert tips, plugin recommendations, and insights on page builders and themes—especially Divi!