Building a WordPress website is a little bit challenging for new players. However, WordPress is trying to be as close as possible to being a user-friendly platform. Since it has become successful and popular, many people just jump right into WordPress to build their website. But they suddenly and quickly feel lost in the wonders of WordPress.
The main reason why WordPress is so frustrating for beginners is because of its complex-looking dashboard. A lot of people get lost when looking at the various options in the WordPress dashboard, which makes it really stressful and confusing. Beginners do not know where to go, how to create a new page, what plugins to install, what the setting options are, why there are a lot of tabs, and what the user options are, etc.
It is quite true that WordPress looks like that; however, as an expert, WordPress is not as it really seems. In the next section, we will dive into the fear and complexity of WordPress.
Reasons why wordpress looks Frustrating :
A lot of reasons explains why WordPress looks frustrating, but for me, the main reason is the initial look at the dashboard after installing WordPress. Because you have definitely been told that WordPress is a user-friendly platform and you can build your website without any technical or coding skills, right?
Yep, even though that’s totally true, WordPress is still a nightmare when it comes to starters looking only at the dark blue dashboard. The WordPress Dashboard is the main reason why it looks so complex.
Once you install it, you will see a left sidebar that lists the WordPress options where you can click and go, such as dashboard, posts, pages, comments, plugins, settings, users, appearance, etc.
Each option has additional options inside for more details. We also have a top bar that contains buttons where you can go to the homepage of the website, an icon showing available WordPress updates, another icon for comments notifications, and then we have a button titled “new” to let you quickly add a new post, page, or media, etc.

The second reason is creating a new page and starting editing. Okay, let me break that down. Creating/adding a page or a post is so easy. Just hover to pages and click “add a new page,” and ta-da! You created a new page.
The clue now is adding content to that page. You definitely saw the left sidebar while editing the page that contains a lot of blocks to choose from, and this is where all the magic comes from. WordPress will start looking complex if you don’t know how to place the blocks and what block to choose to put in the right spot.
The third obstacle that makes WordPress fearful is the plugins. Plugins are what WordPress beginners get frustrated with. While there is a huge market to choose from for the best plugins for your WordPress website, many beginners do not know what to choose, when to install, and what to install.
Tips for overcoming WordPress frustration :
Alright, I’ll say it again: overcoming any fear, any frustration from anything, is knowledge. Knowledge is the best weapon to fight complexity, and starting little by little is the path to clarity.
So, let’s start with the basics of WordPress, which is overcoming the dashboard problem. As a tip, I advise any WordPress beginners to start scrolling and try everything on your own and be suspicious and curious about all the buttons out there. For example, start by adding a new page or new post, then go to the WordPress setting section.
Try to look at every spot, have a tour in their tabs. Remember, you are building a comfortable place that you know about and building your WordPress mind map.
The next tip is embracing the default page editor (default page builder) of WordPress. You do not have to know anything more for now about page builders; just go with what you’ve got. Create a new page and start editing. The best tip I give is to place all the available blocks and start memorizing each block, what it does, and how to edit a block and customize it.
The top four blocks that you need to know are the title block, the paragraph block, the media block, and the columns block. These are a must-know because you will need them a lot, and your page will mainly contain these four blocks.

Finally, do not install what you don’t need from plugins. Remember that plugins are created to fill the features that you need. If you find everything you need in your page editor, you do not have to add more. If you are becoming better and better with your current version, then it’s time to think about some advancement (we will talk about that in future posts).
How long it takes to get used to wordpress
Let’s be honest here, with my experience; it took me one week until I knew where to go and had an overall understanding of the dashboard. However, for more advanced features and options, I only became familiar with them when I tried complex operations, etc.
But you really don’t need that in the beginning; you just need to know the basics, and advancement needs to be taken while you try. It is genuinely a platform where you learn by trying. Do not be afraid; if you are worried about ruining an online website, do not try there. Just install a local version on your computer and try till morning—nothing to worry about.
If you still need more help or want to learn WordPress faster and start building a beautiful website from scratch and really need some guidance, you can come to us at WPSiteMakers. We can guide you until your website starts to shine, and we guarantee that you will be capable enough to do the rest by yourself.
So finally, I think now you have a better understanding of WordPress. I don’t think you’re going to be frustrated anymore because knowing the truth, trying, and being patient more is the best solution for everything. Do not worry; it may sound hard at the beginning, but with time, I can assure everyone that you’re going to nail it and be able to support your company website, etc.