Wordpress Site Makers

Mixing and Matching: Can You Combine Multiple Templates in WordPress?

When embarking on the journey of creating a WordPress website, one of the initial challenges often revolves around design. Crafting a unique design from scratch can be daunting, especially for beginners. This is where templates, or themes, come into play. They offer a ready-made design structure that users can customize and make their own.

For many, templates serve as a starting point, not just as a time-saving tool but also as a source of inspiration. With the plethora of available templates, it’s tempting to wonder if one can mix elements from various designs to create something truly unique.

In this post, we’ll delve into the possibility of combining multiple templates and the nuances involved.

Can You Combine Multiple Templates in WordPress?

Before diving into the specifics, it’s essential to differentiate between a ‘template’ and a ‘theme’ in the WordPress ecosystem. While both terms are sometimes used interchangeably, they have distinct meanings. Curious about the differences? Check out our detailed guide on Templates vs. Themes in WordPress.

Now, addressing the main question: Yes, you can blend elements from different templates in WordPress. Here’s the deeper dive.

Screen With mutiple templates on it

Templates in WordPress are typically composed of various elements or sections — think of hero banners, about sections, services grids, and more. Perhaps you’re drawn to the ‘about us’ section from one template but admire the ‘services’ section from another. The idea is to cherry-pick the best from each.

However, the approach to combining templates requires some attention to detail. You can undoubtedly merge templates, but the key lies in how you do it. Start by fully importing one template with its complete kit, including fonts, colors, and other design elements.

This will serve as your primary foundation. For any additional template you want to integrate, it’s advisable to import only specific pages or blocks rather than the entire set. By doing so, you prevent potential design inconsistencies and backend clutter, ensuring that your website remains both cohesive and efficient.

Why Would You Want to Mix Templates?

The desire to mix templates arises from a quest for uniqueness and specificity in design. Here’s a deeper dive into the reasons:

Unique design

Unique Design Aspirations:

Every website owner has a vision. While a single template might offer stunning designs for most sections, there could be specific parts that don’t align with your vision. Mixing templates allows you to cherry-pick the best from multiple designs, ensuring every part of your website resonates with your desired aesthetic.

Functionality Benefits:

Different templates come equipped with varied functionalities. One might have an exquisite portfolio showcase, while another offers a more intuitive contact form. Combining them ensures you get the best of both worlds, enhancing the overall user experience.

Diverse Needs for Different Pages:

Your website’s homepage might require a different vibe compared to a product page or blog section. Different templates cater to diverse moods and functionalities. Instead of compromising, you can pick the most fitting design elements from various sources to match the distinct needs of each page or post type.

In essence, the drive to mix templates stems from the urge to create a website that’s not just functional but is also a true reflection of one’s brand and vision.

Potential Challenges of Mixing Templates

Mixing templates might sound like a great idea to tailor your website design, but it comes with its own set of challenges:

Building Blocks

No Fit Blocks:

When combining elements from different templates, there’s a chance certain blocks or sections won’t fit seamlessly together. This could disrupt the layout, leading to awkward gaps or overlaps.

Inconsistent Design:

Different templates have unique design philosophies. Merging them might result in inconsistencies like mismatched color schemes, varied button styles, or different typography, making the site appear unprofessional.


Each template often comes with its own set of required plugins to function optimally. The more templates you use, the more plugins you may need to install. This can not only clutter your website backend but also pose potential compatibility issues between plugins.

Remember, while the allure of a custom design through mixed templates is tempting, it’s essential to weigh the benefits against these potential pitfalls.

Where Can You Find Templates?

Envato: Renowned in the design universe, Envato is home to a vast collection of templates fitting diverse needs.

screenshot of Envato website
Source : Envato Elements

Templately: Tailored templates for specific niches? Templately has got you covered.

Elementor Royals: For those leveraging the Elementor page builder, this is a must-visit.

Starter Templates: This is a library by Brainstorm Force, known for its quick-to-import templates compatible with popular page builders like Elementor and Beaver Builder.

WP Page Builder Framework: Alongside its core theme, it offers a range of templates suitable for different sectors.

Elegant Themes Marketplace: If you’re using Divi, this marketplace offers templates crafted specifically for it.

A word of caution: ensure compatibility. It’s essential that the template you’re eyeing works harmoniously with your page builder. For example, an Elementor-centric template might clash with Beaver Builder.

Armed with this knowledge, you’re set to select a template that elevates your site’s design and functionality.


Navigating the world of WordPress templates can be both exhilarating and overwhelming. With an abundance of choices and considerations, selecting the right template becomes an exercise in both design and strategy. Whether you’re merging designs, prioritizing performance, or simply wanting to refresh your website’s look, your template decisions play a pivotal role.

However, remember that you’re never alone in this journey. Platforms like WPSite Makers are equipped and eager to assist you. Whether it’s selecting the right template, ensuring compatibility, or even customizing a design tailored just for you, our team at WPSite Makers is dedicated to bringing your vision to life. Your website deserves the best, and we’re here to ensure it gets just that. Let’s craft something exceptional together!

Karim Frikha

Karim Frikha is the lead developer at WpsiteMakers.com, a website dedicated to sharing knowledge and secrets on WordPress-related topics. With over four years of experience in coding and a keen eye on the new AI era, Karim is on a mission to make WordPress adapt to the modern world. He focuses on building optimized and appealing websites that rank well and provide the best services for his clients.

3 thoughts on “Mixing and Matching: Can You Combine Multiple Templates in WordPress?”

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